Go to market strategy

Definition first steps to acquire critical mass of early adopters for the product/service

Tuomas Louhela
  • Verified
  • 3 projects
  • 4.5
About the service

Definition value proposition and segments of possible early adopters, definition of acquisition channels and viral marketing strategies to reach critical mass (in case of platforms and market places how to generate supply/demand),

About the advisor

Demand generation, customer acquisition & viral marketing strategies and differentiation

Success story

Divido.com, carwow.co.uk, poshieinteractive.com

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About the advisor

Tuomas Louhela

CEO | Advisor | Fintech | HR | Seed funding

4 years of CEO experience with a strong track record of business growth. I have successfully grown turnover of online lending business to €31m, managed team of 38 employees and number of SAAS, fintech, hospitality and ecommerce startups.


Finland, United Kingdom, Sweden


Big data, Ecommerce, FinTech, HR, SaaS
Startups 2
Experience 6 years
Money raised 0.5 M$
Advisory boards 4
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UpApps UG (haftungsbeschänkt), Wilhelm-Backhaus-Strasse 17, 50931 Cologne, Germany