The fundraising reality check

Is your project/pitch deck ready for fundraising? A deep dive into reality!

Upvising Team
  • Verified
  • 316 projects
  • 5.0
About the service

We will rate your pitch deck based on 10 objective criteria. The evaluation will not take into consideration the potential of your idea but only if you did your homework in terms of explaining your business and putting together all relevant information! After your feedback you will have a good indication if your deck has a chance of being successful with investors.

About the advisor

Your pitch deck will be rated based on 10 objective standard criteria and we will provide detailed feedback and suggestions about how to improve your deck.

This service comes at a cost of 159 Euros plus VAT and you will receive feedback and suggestions for every category. This written feedback consists typically of one or two pages and will be explained in a 20 minutes feedback call.

Success story

In the last 12 years we did hundreds of pitch deck evaluations and are focusing on providing valuable and actionable feedback to founders.

About the advisor

Upvising Team

The team behind upvising

We are here to help!




All industries
Startups 6
Experience 45 years
Money raised 25 M$
Advisory boards 10
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UpApps UG (haftungsbeschänkt), Wilhelm-Backhaus-Strasse 17, 50931 Cologne, Germany