Industry expert

Unique industry insights and access to a network of decision makers and specialists

Javier Gonzalez
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About the service

Industry experts provide knowledge, experience and network in a specific industry. They are thought leaders, add meaningful value and help build business and solve problems within this industry. Typically, industry experts are also prepared to take a seat in advisory boards.

About the advisor

Augmented Reality, EdTech, Internet of Things, RetailTech, SaaS

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About the advisor

Javier Gonzalez

Entrepreneur, Investor, Advisor. Business Growth

Founder of a number of award winning technology start ups which have been backed by top VCs and multinational corporations. Currently shareholder and member of the board of several engineering and digital companies. Former International Director of Digimarc Corp. Mentor of dozens of start ups. Trustee of tMA Foundation and founder of FabLabLeon and Chapter Lead of StartupGrind Leon.


Spain, France, Germany


Augmented Reality, EdTech, Internet of Things, RetailTech, SaaS
Startups 5
Experience 20 years
Money raised 5 M$
Advisory boards +20
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UpApps UG (haftungsbeschänkt), Wilhelm-Backhaus-Strasse 17, 50931 Cologne, Germany