Pitch deck optimization

Optimize your investment story and be challenged by experts before approaching potential investors

James Moffat
  • Verified
  • 10 projects
  • 4.6
About the service

This service will help to build the best possible pitch deck and optimize chances to receive funding. The investment story will answers all questions professional investors are used to ask.

About the advisor

💢 Creating the PERFECT PITCH eludes most people and I have witnessed thousands of different types of pitching. Mainly, SALES pitches that were so awful, the prospect never progressed any further along the sales funnel. Experiencing first hand, boring, not interactive, monolog sales pitches, that only turned a once awake audience into sleeping babies and bad excuses to leave the meeting.

💢 Yet, these were not the only ones I had to also endure over a 20 year sales career, there were far worse to come. Basically most pitches I either JUDGED or heard for the first time, were so bad that they never got a second chance to present. Which is a great pity, as you can only get better.

💢 A FIRST IMPRESSION counts, not just the first time, but everytime and every stage of the process.

So, with that in mind, I set out to change the status quo and help those in need be more CONFIDENT, remove the FEAR and EXCEL with a sense of ENJOYMENT and learning new tip n tricks on the way.

💢 Leveraging on my 3Cs Ingredients for Success, they could CONNECT, COMMUNICATE and CONVERT, obtaining their DESIRED OUTCOME each and every time!

It is really not easy pitching, although with the right training, mentoring, performing, practice, practice and more practice, you can PERFECT YOUR PITCH!I'm now helping with all types of pitching, such as:
✅ Elevator
✅ Sales
✅ Keynote
✅ TEDtalk
✅ Investor

💢 So if YOU or YOUR team need some training (I bet you have never had any), then reach out!

Success story

I had the honour to have the best man in the business to mentor and train with.
Kevin Harrington, the original SHARK of the hit TV series THE SHARK TANK.

And winning the first price of a 2 year mentorship program and personal coaching.

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About the advisor

James Moffat

Business Growth Mentor / Advisor

I have helped endless amounts of Startups & SMEs growth their respective businesses.
Been interviewed by magazines from around the world, spoken on various international podcasts, created a radio shows featuring my clients, been guest speaker at numerous events, reached the #1 International bestseller spot, had the privilege to pitch to my mentor Kevin Harrington.


Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States


Digital Services, FinTech, SaaS, Social Media/Communities, Teleco
Startups 4
Experience 20 years
Money raised 100 M$
Advisory boards 6
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UpApps UG (haftungsbeschänkt), Wilhelm-Backhaus-Strasse 17, 50931 Cologne, Germany